Wednesday 9 September 2009

What about Beetroot !

Decided I am fed up with plums for now, although I still have a lot to use..... more on this later.

So, a few weeks ago I made some beetroot chutney. I opened a jar today and it is lovely, so thought I would share the recipe with you;


1kg uncooked beetroot
500g onions
750g cooking apples
500g seedless raisins
3tbsp ground ginger
1kg granulated sugar
1l malt vinegar

So, firstly you need to peel the beetroot - messy I know - then you need to grate it - even messier. I found it easier to use my food processor to grate the beetroot, but you can do it by hand. Peel and chop the onions and apples.

Put all the ingredients in a pan and bring to the boil slowly, then simmer until thick. Put in jars and seal. I found that it took a few hours to become thick. This recipe makes about 2kg of chutney.


  1. oh...this i will have to try..any ideas what to replace the onions with though??? My hubby hates them!!

  2. Maybe you could use something like grated carrot or courgette maybe

  3. I will try hubby won't go near onions which can be a real pain!!
